Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Music- Video of "Va' Pensiero" with the Mobile Opera

One of the very cool "art" things that I've been blessed to do is to sing with the Mobile Opera Chorus.  Although I've had classical voice training, and have performed in the past with a musical theater company, this is my first exposure to Opera.  It is definitely proving to be quite the challenge for me!

Right now we are smack in the middle of practices for our next show, "The Flying Dutchman" which opens here in Mobile on March 25th.  We're doing a fully staged production at the Civic Center for this show, and since we're less than two weeks from opening night, we've had staging and dress rehearsals scheduled almost every day.

Whoever said that singers live the "easy life" was dead wrong!  Try being on your feet for 8 hours straight, while attempting to remember the words- and notes- to an entire Opera--- IN GERMAN!  Not easy.  I have a lot of respect for people who do this as a career.

Below is a clip from one of our previous concerts.  In it, we're singing "Va' Pensiero," which is a very well known Italian chorus.  Our director told us that it is like a second national anthem in Italy, and that it's so well loved that no matter where you are in Italy, if you start singing this song, everyone around you will join in!  I'd LOVE to experience this someday...

Anyway, I'm posting it here for a little bit of culture.  I chose this song because I love it and it makes me think of my Great-grandmother, who migrated to America from San Savero, Italy at age 12.

ps.  I sing with the first soprano's for those of you who are curious.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Art- Isaiah 55:12

At some point I decided to start being honest with myself in my art.  It was somewhere between trying SO hard to please God, and trying SO hard to please people that I decided maybe the best way for me to help others and truly connect with God was to just be honest about... me.

After I realized this I started painting free hand.  Meaning, I don't plan ahead what the finished product will look like, or how it will all come together in the end.  I just grab my brush and go!

Sometimes I might have an idea to start with- such as a color scheme, or a particular fabric I'd like to use.  Other times I start with a concept such as "snowy trees," or "yellow ribbon."  Often, I am inspired with a verse, and such was the case for one of my first projects "Isaiah 55:12."

The very end of Isaiah 55:12 has an amazing little phrase that always stands out to me whenever I read it.  It says, "...and the tress of the field will clap their hands."  I love the symbolism of this phrase and it reminds me of a similar verse in Luke where Jesus says "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."  He is saying that if people don't worship Him then the stones would open up in worship!  I love the idea that nature comes alive to worship God!  I love the imagery in that- although I get the feeling that if we could see with spiritual eyes- we might actually find more truth than imagery.

When I sat down at my easel to work on Isaiah 55:12, I had inspiration, but I didn't know where I was going until I had arrived.  I actually laughed out loud at the finished product.

It was so .... WHIMSICAL!?  Who would have though that I would ever have that aspect of creativity inside of me?  I generally don't write sweet, romantic music with sappy lyrics, and I tend toward creative non-fiction reading and writing, as opposed to romantic fiction.  So where is this whimsy coming from?

Who knows.  But at any rate- so far- it's what has come out of me whenever I am unleashed on an empty canvas.  Maybe it's the daydreams of my inner little girl- still dancing around the living room in her mom's old ballet slippers.  Maybe it's the unfettered fringes of my imagination coming loose.  Or just maybe it's my spirit man longing for home- my real home in heaven- where colors are bright and trees really do clap their hands in worship.

Isaiah 55:12-

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Thoughts on Creativity

I definitely would not consider myself an artist... well... at least in the natural sense of the word.  I'd rather label myself as a lover of creativity.  I often joked that the right side of my brain ate the left, leaving me void of all things analytical, forcing me to march through life on sheer emotion and creativity.  This is the way I choose to see the world:  in song- in painting- in color- in style- in words.

I used to be overly sensitive about my expressions of art- wanting everyone to fully embrace my creations with as much zeal as I put into them.  But I'm learning that creativity is seldom received in the way it was intended, and at it's very core- it's objective in nature.  Not everyone will like my song.  Not everyone will like my art.  Not everyone will like my words.  Not everyone will like my design.

In fact, I have felt days where the cheers of approval came only from my tired paintbrush, or our old, upright piano.  I'm learning to be okay with these days.


I don't sing for you.  I don't paint for you.  I don't write for you.  I don't create for you.

If you find some moment of tranquility or joy in my "art" then I have doubly succeeded in my attempt to create something beautiful out of nothing.

In the end- it's not about you or me, or even the art itself.  I'm merely trying to follow the footsteps of God- the Master Creator. Hopefully, I bless someone on the journey.