Thursday, June 14, 2012

Coastie Update #4 - Dates and Swearing In

Apparently, I'm not very good at keeping this updated.  *sigh.  I'll try harder... 

A lot has happened since I last wrote.  Judah was given an official ship date (July 24th, although he/we will be going to Montgomery, AL on the 22nd), AND he had his official "swearing in ceremony."  He was super blessed to have his friend Jonathan (who is an Officer with the CG) swear him in, and Jonathan's wife, Ashley, and I were both there to see it, too (with our little guys in tow. :)  )  I asked Jude after if he "felt" anything while he was saying the "oath of enlistment."  He said not at first, but then when he got to the part that talked about "obeying the orders of the President," it got really "real."  :)  If you have never read it before, here is the military oath of enlistment:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Watching him swear in was a proud moment for me.  Being a military wife was not something that I ever thought I would do, but I have always had great respect for servicemen and their families.  They make huge sacrifices to serve our country, and I have always had great respect for that.  I know that the CG often gets some flack from the military community because many of the other branches feel that the CG isn't "real" military.  I think this idea is based on the unlikelihood that a Coastie would be deployed overseas in a combat situation (among other reasons, I'm sure). In a sense, I get that.  My sacrifice as a Coastie wife who is separating from her husband for a few months while he stays safe in the US for training can't be compared with a Army wife who has just said goodbye to her husband for his second tour in Afghanistan or Iraq.  That's a whole different level of sacrifice for sure.  But, I will still be a single mom for 5+ months, and our lives will still be at the whim of the military- moving wherever and whenever they want.  So, because of those sacrifices (and others as well), I'll feel an extra sense of pride now when I see our flag flying high.  

Judah leaves five weeks from Sunday, and it's just starting to set in.  Exciting and scary at the same time.  I know I'm going to miss him so much, but the thing I'm most freaked out about is caring for Solomon alone for so long.  In the end, I know it'll be okay, but it's a bit daunting to think about.  He is at such a busy age, and chasing him around is EXHAUSTING.  Every day I look forward to Jude's arrival home from work, not just for the help, but also for the adult conversation!  It's going to be very difficult to not have this.  However, I'm so thankful that I have my in-laws to help with Solly and to be there for me.  It was a good decision for us to move to Fairhope.  I love it here, and being so close to them has also been a major bonus.  I don't know how people do this when they are placed completely away from family and friends.  I really, REALLY pray that we don't ever have to find out.  There is always a possibility we will, but we have so many friends/family located around the US coast, we're really praying God will place us near someone we know.

So, that's the update!  Here are the important dates:  
July 22nd- Judah goes to Montgomery
July 24th- Ships to boot camp in Cape May, NJ 
Sept. 14th -  Boot camp graduation (assuming Jude doesn't get reverted!- lol!)
*Jude will have around 5-8 days of leave in between NJ and CA, but he has to get to CA right away, even if it's before his school technically starts.  BOO!!
October 8th- Judah's A-school starts.
December 31st- A-school graduation???  We aren't sure if this is the exact date yet.  Right now it's our best guess... 

Feels good to at least have these dates on "paper."  This whole thing has been such a roller coaster, but at least we have a bit of a timeline for how the rest of the year should play out.  I just keep saying that this whole experience is "stretching my trust muscles," and reminding me to let go of control, and let God do His thing.  Sometimes easier said than done, but I'm learning.  :)

Here is the video of Jude swearing in:

1 comment:

  1. How can keep myself from jumping into this little posting box!!!!! So proud of you two. Jude, you are the MAN! Love you!
